Soo, I have a character. He’s rigged, animated, all that jazz. But…I sorta textured him last. Its all on an Unwrap UVW.
Problem is, every time I import him to Unity. He gets all F’d up! I’ve tried everything. Exporting as FBX, bring in the 3ds max file itself, prayer, magic, the “bad” numbers from Lost. Nothing works! ARHHHGHGHG!!! Could…you possibly help a young man with a dream?
I read that you should collapse it. But…he’s rigged. And its sandwiched. I really don’t want to re-rig. That was so not fun.
Place the Unwrap modifier below the Skin modifier. Skin deforms the mesh, so in your setup you apply the UV’s to a changing geometry if it’s animated. Additionally it’s always recommended to duplicate the UV Unrwap modifier and collapse the duplicate down into the editpoly from time to time. This way you have the UV’s stored directly in the Edit Poly just in case you (or Max) messes something up in the Unwrap modifier…