Gfx.waitforpresent Taking 80ms When Gpu Is Finished In 7ms?


Unity 2020.1.0a11 URP
Unity 2019.2.1f1 LWRP
Unity 2019.3.0b3 LWRP
Same problem on all of this versions for android xiaomi redmi note 4.

I think its the same problems:
Extremely slow editor in 2019.2.0a7 page-3#post-5047931
Gfx.PresentFrame and Gfx.WaitForPresent in the same frame

Please fix this terrible bug!

This is a profiler screenshot. I recorded the data offline from the android through the Profiler class. Each PresentFrame takes 20 milliseconds. Sometimes he eats 50 or more!
Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0;

We have no chance to do something with URP on android. on PC this wort perfectly.

Unity 2020.1.0a11 URP

We moved our project to a standard render and got better! We hung the usual standard shader on all objects and now the same game works at 50 fps, instead of 25-30 on URP for android.
Please fix it!