What’s the meaning of gfx.WaitForPresent? How can I resolve this performance matter?
Best regards
I was experiencing this too actually, and to be quite honest. I found that having the profiler open every play test was causing me performance issues inside the unity player. Probably due to the constant draw calls to that GUI window. I close it and everything is smooth again. And I just ran a test, I am experiencing a lot of gfx.waitforpresent too. I think it maybe a vsync thing. But I could be wrong. Do you experience poor performance with profiler closed?
I am profiling from my computer to another computer running my application connected to a TV
Ah, well even still. I never liked the performance of a tool that’s supposed to help performance
I’m having a similar issue. In my case, it takes up to 50 ms.
Similar issue in my case. VSync seems to be causing it because my game is extremely smooth without it on but when it is I get the same WaitForPresent spikes. The strange thing with my game is that after adding a LOT more objects to the scene it runs extremely smooth again.
Same here, what is it? VSync is disabled.
I think it has to do with swapping around the active RenderTexture. Normally the lag induced by having the profiler open would show up as RenderTexture.setActive, but I think they tried to detect this and instead display it as Gfx.WaitForPresent.
Though, the RenderTexture.setActive still seems to show up for DigitalAperture (the purple section).
Same problem here. So is it only linked to the fact the Profiler is open and running then?
Bumping this for more attention, My application also suffers from this
I think we need to open a bug report and than vote it here: http://issuetracker.unity3d.com/
This is 4.3 related. Anyone? I’m curently out of office.
Same here. Uses 20-65 ms on the CPU when profiling connected to my OUYA.
Gfx- waitforpresent use to be called device.present.
According to the old forum post (http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/86312-Device-Present-in-profiler-what-the-deal) two reasons it would show up:
“you are too fast - refresh rate is 60hz and you are ready after 10ms - 6ms you need to just wait
you are slightly too slow - same as before - but you are ready after 20 ms - you will wait 13 ms (up to 33ms = 30 fps)”
Same issue here. This was not present in 4.2.x
waitforpresent, that should be the device.present as suggested, is actually a good thing…it means you are GPU bound and the CPU at a given point (usually 3 fames ahead) must wait for the GPU to finish. (IT also could mean that you need to optimize your rendering )
ah btw, today I noticed that profiling inside the editor gives completely wrong results! Try to build your application and profile your application externally instead!
Ok, i opened a bug report (Case 579069).
I was playing with a simple empty project and some balls bouncing around with diffuse shaders and no fancy post effects → 1900/2000 fps. Then i started to add a secondary camera, a rendertexture, and some post effects. Unity started to drop fps to 120/130, and showing in the profiler a 99% cpu usage by Gfx.WaitForPresent. I removed everything: cameras, post effects, rendertargets, etc. I have ONE ball bouncing. Still at 130 fps with WaitForPresent at 99%.
I think there is something broken about rendertargets in 4.3 …
I’m having a similar problems, and it is very frustrating. Does Unity not have a list of profiler stat names to find out what this is? It’s hard to fix an issue if I don’t know where to look
Same problem, Just appeared since 4.3. Wish I could share more light on the situation but I got nothing