
Hi @radiantboy ,
I’m on the profiler team and we are painfully aware of the gap we have with GPU profiling. Right now we are prioritizing the Memory Profiler but we did recently (for 2021.x) redo the GPU recording backend, so that it works on all platforms and Graphics APIs (and can be measured via the FrameTimingManager and ProfilerRecorder APIs). Sadly that hasn’t made it to the UI yet which is currently not structured to be conducive to displaying that data according to how the different GPU Architectures actually work and is mostly structured by what CPU calls scheduled work on the GPU.

We’ll get the UI for that fixed up (read: likely entirely re-done from scratch, including the design work needed to get this right) eventually. In the meantime, the platform and GPU Manufacturer specific profilers, as well as Render Doc, have to fill that gap for now. Tautvydas’s selection is a good place to start, and if you are looking for a bigger overview, this page might help you :slight_smile: