GfxFramebufferGLES: An active RenderTargetSetup has dangling pointers (Need interpretation)

Hi All-
Getting the following in my console, although game is running fine in Unity and Unity Remote 4:

“GfxFramebufferGLES: An active RenderTargetSetup has dangling pointers.”

Any idea what this means, or what I should be looking for in my scripts? It’s the first I’ve seen it. I tried deleting unused objects and limiting what my scripts are calling in terms of Game Objects, and no dice. Thanks in advance…

Same here,
ran into this when running Unity Remote 4 with the game in Unity 5.4.0b15 on an ipad 3

We recently had an issue with our lighting camera that was giving this error when we upgraded to 5.3.4p3. Turns out we were assigning the render texture to a global shader variable as well as the target for the camera, and needed to discard and set both to null on destroy.