Ghost scenes

i have 2 small intro scenes that i delete regularly but they always come back in the project.
i delete them from the project or in windows explorer, they are not in the Build Setting, i delete the Library folder, but nothing to do, they always come back

That’s odd, I’ve never had that happen before. I can’t see how this is possible from Unity, I wonder if there is something odd happening with your source control if you use one.

I don’t use source control. But I think unity is haunted. :scream:

but that doesn’t stop the project from working

This type of thing has also been known to happen with Microsoft Onedrive. I imagine the same could happen with other types of file back-up and restore software.

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I have never used OneDrive. For my backups, it is SyncBackFree in mirror mode

then i would look at that, as mirror mode suggests potentially 2 way…