git-lfs stability

I appreciate git-lfs support is still not officially supported, but I just wanted to report it is quite unreliable

It does complete checkout occasionally, but often fails with errors like this:
(44 MB in github repo, 1.47 GB tracked by github’s git-lfs)

I’ve had the same issues with a smaller repo (28 MB repo, 303MB git-lfs)

A clone to my local machine using source tree or command line works every single time.

12: stderr: Cloning into ‘/BUILD_PATH/willemkokke.evildead-endless-nightmare.evil-dead-ios-development’…
13: Downloading Assets/App/SplashScreen.png (354.46 KB)
14: Error downloading object: Assets/App/SplashScreen.png (c649b7f454dc4c5df8807674784a3e35f35076684db7410cda63191a281babfe)
15: Errors logged to /BUILD_PATH/willemkokke.evildead-endless-nightmare.evil-dead-ios-development/.git/lfs/objects/logs/20160523T155620.026891156.log
16: fatal: Assets/App/SplashScreen.png: smudge filter lfs failed
17: warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.

As an aside: Does the repo get get cached locally on cloud build? It seems to do a complete clean clone every time, which in addition to taking a long time, really eats into my git-lfs data pack 50 GB bandwidth.

I do really love the product though. I really look forward to being able to depend on it once git-lfs is officially supported.

It seems that if 2 configurations get kicked off at the same time, One of them always seems to fail on the first file it tries to smudge.

I’m having trouble with LFS at the moment. I almost always get smudge filter lfs failed on my project. The LFS component is 1.6GiB on my project. Anyone have any suggestions? I’ve gone from successfully using Git and Cloud Build to almost never getting past the source control step of the build process.