Git package development & Unity Version Control

I’m a systems programmer, and I am very fond of creating custom packages. These packages are generic and are hosted on git. In order to keep working on these packages inside of my projects I add them as git submodules, which is an amazing workflow!

But I’m currently revising my workflow. I don’t want to host my Unity project on git, but I do want to add my Unity packages as submodules. How do I painlessly keep developing my packages from within any UVC hosted project? Does UVC support adding git submodules, or is there a different way to achieve what I want?

Layout example:

Hi @CaseyHofland ,

The equivalent for git submodules in Plastic SCM / Unity version Control is Xlinks:

This way, you can link two repositories in Plastic SCM / Unity Version Control.

Does it help?


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It’s close to what I want, but I need to be able to connect with git submodules, which Xlinks don’t seem to allow me to do.

I just saw you have a guide on gitsync, so I’m gonna read through that first.

Hi @carlosalba1985 , progress on this has been going great but I’ve hit a bit of a snag. Before I added my submodule, I updated to the latest version, then when I tried to do gitsync I got an error that says “Limited by days evaluation license has expired.”

I’m on the free cloud edition for now so this shouldn’t be an issue. Google has a few answers but they’re a bit outdated I think because none of them work for me. How do I solve this?

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This error normally happens when you had a previous Enterprise installation on this machine so it deployed a trial license.

Let’s try the following:

  1. Delete the following files:
    C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server\server.conf
    C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server\network.conf
    C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\server\plasticd.lic

  2. Reinstall Plastic SCM Cloud edition.


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That did the trick! However, I have never had the Enterprise installation on my machine. The error only occurred after I clicked the “Check for updates” button and proceeded to update the Cloud edition: is there anywhere I can file this as a bug?

I’ve been dealing with a new issue now: “No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.”

I understand this happens because no local server is started, which should happen automatically, but it doesn’t. I even reinstalled Plastic again after deleting the network.conf and plasticd.lic files to no avail.

I really want to start using Plastic but this is a very poor first experience… there should really be a repair button or something like with visual studio installations, this is costing me a lot of time.

If you got a license error, somehow an Enterprise server was installed in this machine. Upgrading doesn’t change between Enterprise and Cloud editions. The relevant installation is the original one because it’s when the license and configuration files are deployed. And upgrade doesn’t change the original configuration files. That’s why I asked you to manually remove them and reinstall them.

Please attach the Plastic client debug log to review the error: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\plastic4\logs

If you are stuck, you can directly open a ticket at We can arrange a meeting with you.

I’m assuming one of these.

Thank you for your help: it really means a lot that you guys are so actively engaged with new users and offer your support. Now I want Plastic for its power AND the team.

9141289–1270009–plastic.debug.log.20230703.txt (5.36 KB)
9141289–1270012–plasticx.relevant.log.txt (295 KB)