Hi guys, i hope this is the right place to ask this question, I have a little problem with Unity and GitHub. Basically I have created a repository in GitHub with my Unity project and everything works just fine, except that everytime, even if I only open and close my Unity project without changing anything, GitHub desktop reports that 1 file has changed. This file is “default-2021.dwlt” inside the UserSettings folder. I tried putting the UserSettings folder inside .gitignore, but GitHub keeps reporting that default-2021.dwlt has changed. I also told GitHub to ignore this specific file but it didn’t work. Do you know how to solve this problem? Should I leave this thing and just commit and push everytime?
usually whole UserSettings/ folder is ignored from git,
this is good gitignore: gitignore/Unity.gitignore at main · github/gitignore · GitHub
Once a file is being tracked by git, it will always be tracked by git until you tell git to delete it.
Now that you have that directory in your gitignore, then just git rm
to delete the entire contents of the UserSettings/ in your project, commit that remove, and now you won’t hear about it anymore.
(Obviously if you need the files in there, make a copy first, delete, then after committing, put the copy back).
I put “[Uu]ser[Ss]ettings/” inside .gitignore, but it doesn’t work
YES it worked, thank you very much. I made a copy of the files, then i deleted and committed and in the end I put the files again into the folder. Now i don’t have messages anymore
An even easier way which does not require copying files. Just remove the file from the index as explained here
In case is getting this extremely annoying error:
File UserSettings/Layouts/default-2022.dwlt is XXX.XX MB; this exceeds GitHub’s file size limit of 100.00 MB
You can silence Git by committing the file via Git LFS using this command:
git lfs migrate import --include="*.dwlt"
Then your commit and push will work as normal.
Me too.
very cool
Thank you so much
Even better, thank you very much indeed!
PERFECT. This was driving me crazy !
By the way, if anybody gets the message fatal: not removing ‘your/directory’ recursively without -r, write git rm -r
. It might then throw some error about doing it with force or something, so write git rm -r -f
and it will work.
By the way, you need to only run this command from the directory you want to remove. Be careful not to delete your entire project.