Give me a 48 hour game idea and I might just do it

This weekend i’m going to be stuck in the house as payday is unfortunately just around the corner. As such, i’ll be pretty bored and want to do something productive with my time as opposed to grinding it out on LoL.

Give me an achievable idea that I can do in a weekend. I’ll make the best one :slight_smile:

Okay think of something like the das boot from beerfest but your chugging an impossibly big beer.

not sure what you’re getting at here :stuck_out_tongue:

In August 2014 during a Reddit AMA, when asked about where the concept for the movie came from, Jay Chandrasekhar said “We were at a Beer garden in Australia (wearing our police uniforms) and we went on stage and challenged the top five drinkers in the room to a chug off. The place exploded. We were winning, but then Paul Soter started drinking and we quickly lost. Then we had arm wrestling contests. Then Steve Lemmeinsulted national treasure, Russell Crowe and we had to be escorted out by security. We thought that would be a fun movie. The drinking beer part.” [3]

Should be doable.

Ok, but I’ll first send you a contract as I want 60% commission on all sales if you sell it. :slight_smile:

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A game where you play as a developer trying to find the perfect game idea to make over a weekend.


Start with Pong.

Use the unit z asset to make a parody game that will blow jim sterlings mind.


I’ve already been through this… About 5 years ago. I’d rather not again.

Anybody fancy any serious posts or?

Something that’d give PETA nightmares.

if you’re looking for random ideas… how about try a random sentence generator to inspire you?

build a game around this thought: “The futuristic kiss transcribes the hour.”

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Oooo… Butcher Simulator or Chicken Farmer Simulator.

You know… I was in Seattle one year and I ordered Clam Chowder at a restaurant. I thought I’d be funny and I asked the waitress if they used Free-Range Clams in their chowder… she gives me a blank stare and says: “I don’t know, I can ask for you.”

Interested in helping a group of flight enthusiast evaluate a prominent 3D engine and create a demo?
If so… see our post under Collaboration.

Stephen Borick

Liking this ideas. Let’s keep this going, it might help motivate others to find something to do for the weekend!

I’d love to, but simulation tends to involve a large amount of maths which unfortunately isn’t my forte.

How about one of the past Ludum Dare challenges? The competition is typically 48 hours so it’ll be good practice if you decide to participate in a future one.

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BaconJam is coming up you could do that , starts tonight 48 hour jam

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I have idea and profit sharing 50/50 k?


Just bring the skills you have… after all, it’s a collaboration… we’re gathering people as we speak with whom you can collaborate with.

Stephen Borick

That is fun.

And in a relate note: Why not build something like flux, where the rules and objectives of the game change in an arbitrary fashion.

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What did you decide to create?