Gizmos, in Game view, no longer functioning after disabling Compatibility Mode for Render Graph

Since upgrading to Unity 6000.0.23f1 my Game view has been unable to correctly draw Gizmos. When I upgraded it prompted me to disable the Compatibility Mode for Render Graph, as it won’t be supported, and I myself haven’t used Render Graph yet so I did so.

EDIT: Thought I should mention that it was upgraded from 2022.3.33f1 → 6000.0.23f1, I have now also upgraded it to 6000.0.24f1 but the issue persists.

Unfortunately, after doing this every time I enable the Gizmos on my Game view I get these three errors (RenderGraphExecution Error, InvalidOperationException and Exception: Mismatch in Fragment dimensions). I have looked at my packages to make sure nothing needs updating and the only ones that even have updates available are Input System, JetBrains Rider Editor and Toolchain Win Linux x64.

It seems as though whenever there is an Overlay Camera and a Base Camera present at the same time this occurs, I wonder if this is a bug with Unity6 itself or if there are extra steps I need to take. I’ve also taken this video showcasing the issue if anyone wants to take a look.


Maybe this convo could help your problem:

I’ve got the same issues going on, I’d imagine it’s a new Unity bug.