Gizmos in SceneView vs. Gizmos in GameView

Hi, I have a question about the Gizmos rendering.

In SceneView all my Gizmos elements are rendered correctly, but in the GameView just the Gizmos elements that are wired are rendered.

private void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.DrawSphere(, 1);
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(, 1);

In SceneView both spheres are drawn. In GameView just the WiredSphere.

Does anyone know why?

Is it correct to work like this or is it a changed setting or maybe a bug?

Ok with the test in an empty project I found already out that its not normal. Also in GameView Solid Spheres should be drawn…

Fixed it.
I have a 2d project with an isometric camera view with clipping near = 0 and far = 150.

I changed the near to -2.

Now also the non wired sphere is shown.
Even other 3d objects were not visible.