In one of my projects, in Unity 2020.3.0f1 on Windows 10, about half of the “Built-in Components” are missing from the Gizmos drop down in the scene view. They’re not just in the wrong place, as they aren’t showing up in the “Scripts” list either.
Separately, I have a script which toggles Collider Gizmos on and off. This has also stopped working. I have tried restarting Unity with that functionality removed, and it makes no difference to observed behaviour.
The “Gizmos” menu seems to be misbehaving in general. In a scene with Light components visible there are Light gizmos showing. Toggleing Gizmos → Built-in Components → Light doesn’t hide them, and nor does toggling “Built-in Components” as a whole.
If I open an empty project I get a full Gizmos list in the same version of Unity.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? It’d be nice to narrow down the potential cause.