gizmos problem in Unity 5.4.0f3

When we use two camera, main camera (depth 0) for scene, and a UI camera (depth 1).
gizmos of main camera can’t be seen is game view .

I test it in Unity 5.3.3p1,it’s all right.

Any solution?

I use OnDrawGizmos

I have the same problem with multiple cameras. Gizmo is always drawn on camera with higher depth.
In our project, game camera can be zoomed in/out, but UI camera don’t. And if you have different zoom options Gizmos drawn incorrectly!

With custom classes, you can use this hack:

function OnDrawGizmos () {
     if (Application.isEditor && (Camera.current == gizmoCamera  || Camera.current ==
        Gizmos.DrawSphere (transform.position, 1);

But what to do with default gizmos, like Colliders?

all gizimos of main camera cannot be seen include built-in components.

I have tried ,still cannot be seen.

It is all right before 5.4.0f3

I have the same problem, I have 2 cameras. The gizmos where working fine in 5.3 but when I upgraded to 5.4, I can no longer see the gizmos.

Did you manage to find a solution for the problem?

Did you manage to find a solution for the problem?
I found a solution, just add empty DebugCamera (with higher depth) to your main camera.
The problem is that Gizmos are drawn correctly only on topmost camera.

none ,bug still