Gizmos showing twice with overlay camera?

I’m using 2 overlay cameras, and all Gizmos that I want to show on world positions (on the main camera) are shown twice, but shrunk. It only happens for one of the cameras.

It doesn’t matter if i change the ortho size of the overlay camera, also i can set the culling mask to none, it still shows.

Also Handles.Label are also repeated, but in a weird position. You can see in the screenshots below.Is this a known issue? I’m on 2020.1.4

When I changed the order of the cameras in the stack, i lost the main gizmos, and only see the broken ones. Hmm :stuck_out_tongue:

this is still broken in 2023

Please don’t necro threads; your statement it isn’t helping.

I’ll move this thread to Editor/General Support because it’s nothing to do with 2D.


is there a fix? 2024