gles error on maliT760 Android 5.1 Lollipop using VideoPlayer and RenderTexture

We are receiving the follow errors looking at adb logcat when playing an mp4 using Unity’s video player (nothing else extra in the scene - just the video player and the raw image in a canvas to show the render texture)

The device is an Orbbec Persee running Android 5.1 Lollipop, which uses a MaliT760 GPU

Unity 2017.4.3f1 (64-bit)
Multithreaded Rendering is disabled
Graphics API is set to OpenGLES2

thanks for any advice on whether this is a known Unity / Android issue or if there’s something we can do to fix it


(19627 i believe is my unity app process id)

I/OMXClient(19627): Using client-side OMX mux.
W/AppOps  (  447): Bad call: specified package media under uid 1000 but it is really 1013
I/H264_DEBUG(  158): init done status 0, ts_en = 0
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.m4v
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.h263
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.flv1
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.m2v
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.rv
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp8
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vc1
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.wmv3
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp6
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.hevc
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.mjpeg
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.avc
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.vp8
I/libstagefrighthw(19627): OMX IL core contains 15 components
D/ACodec  (19627): MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC sampleRate 44100 wifidisplay_flag 0 info b9e18a38
I/SoftAAC2(19627): limiting to stereo output
W/AppOps  (  447): Bad call: specified package media under uid 1000 but it is really 1013
I/H264_DEBUG(  158): Width 1280 Height 720
I/H264_DEBUG(  158): displaywidth 1280, dispalyheigt 720
E/OMXNodeInstance(  158): getConfig(970:rk._decoder.avc, ConfigCommonOutputCrop(0x700000f)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
E/mali_so (19627): encounter the first gles_error : 0x0003 : execution failed (gles_texturep_get_or_create_slave at hardware/arm/maliT760/driver/product/gles/src/texture/mali_gles_texture_api.c:297)
E/mali_so (19627): to dump the call_stack of the first error :
D/mali_so (19627): #00 pc 0042fbf4  /system/vendor/lib/egl/rk3288/
D/mali_so (19627): #01 pc 0043c9c8  /system/vendor/lib/egl/rk3288/
D/mali_so (19627): #02 pc 009af87c  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #03 pc 009ad718  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #04 pc 005217cc  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #05 pc 00605424  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #06 pc 002cc574  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #07 pc 002cc40c  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #08 pc 002c56b8  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #09 pc 002bb93c  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #10 pc 002bdba0  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #11 pc 002bdd58  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #12 pc 0099b594  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #13 pc 00998c88  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #14 pc 0070508c  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #15 pc 002de270  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #16 pc 002e1738  /mnt/asec/com.acme.videotest-2/lib/arm/
D/mali_so (19627): #17 pc 0001eb77  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/mnt@asec@com.acme.videotest-2@base.apk@classes.dex

also we have an app crash when running for long periods. I can’t tell if it’s directly related to this … it always crashes just after that OMX mux line… but the log entries might not have been immedlately after each other… it could have been something else happening in Unity

(13588 i believe is my unity app process id)

I/H264_DEBUG(  158): deinit DONE
    I/OMXClient(13588): Using client-side OMX mux.
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/] JNI ERROR (app bug): local reference table overflow (max=512)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/] local reference table dump:
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]   Last 10 entries (of 512):
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       511: 0x12f52180 android.view.Surface
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       510: 0x12e8b8c0 android.os.Message
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       509: 0x130cfdd0 float[] (16 elements)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       508: 0x12f702a0 $Proxy7
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       507: 0x12f70170 java.lang.Class[] (1 elements)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       506: 0x130cfce0 float[] (16 elements)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       505: 0x12f70160 $Proxy7
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       504: 0x12f70070 java.lang.Class[] (1 elements)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       503: 0x12ed9280 android.view.Surface
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       502: 0x12e18580 android.os.Message
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]   Summary:
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       128 of java.lang.Class[] (1 elements) (128 unique instances)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       128 of $Proxy7 (128 unique instances)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]        64 of android.os.Message (5 unique instances)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]       128 of float[] (16 elements) (128 unique instances)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]        64 of android.view.Surface (64 unique instances)
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/]
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/] Runtime aborting...
    F/art     (13588): art/runtime/] Aborting thread:

whereas normally i’d get something like this

(13046 i believe is my unity app process id)

I/H264_DEBUG(  157): deinit DONE
I/vpu_mem_pool(  157): pid 157, close_vpu_memory_pool:552:
I/OMXClient(13046): Using client-side OMX mux.
E/ROCKCHIP_VIDEO_DECCONTROL(  157): OMX_IndexParamdescribeColorFormat get
E/OMXNodeInstance(  157): getConfig(803:rk._decoder.avc, ConfigCommonOutputCrop(0x700000f)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
I/OMXClient(13046): Using client-side OMX mux.
I/H264_DEBUG(  157): init done status 0, ts_en = 0
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.m4v
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.h263
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.flv1
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.m2v
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.rv
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp8
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vc1
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.wmv3
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.vp6
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.hevc
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_decoder.mjpeg
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.avc
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core declares component OMX.rk.video_encoder.vp8
I/libstagefrighthw(13046): OMX IL core contains 15 components

Did you get any luck solving this issue?
I am facing the same and it’s… well… difficult to start.

the problem is this:
ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)

but how to solve?