Hello all,
I want to build a simulation of a glider and am wondering if you think the physics engine can provide a reasonably accurate prediction? It is for an educational application so it is kind of important that it reflect reality (again reasonably).
This particular glider is launched in much the same way as a slingshot, so I think the following thread provides an excellent start …
My thought is that a glider launched in this way should largely behave similarly to a projectile, but obviously there will be lift and drag applied at the wing and tail position (which I can add using AddForceAtPosition??). The magnitude of these lift and drag forces will depend on the angle of the force (angle of attack) which will be changing throughout the simulation.
The lift forces acting on the tail and wing will cause the plane to want to rotate about its center of gravity. I am assuming / hoping that the physics engine can capture this rotation and perform the lift calculations (based on the angle produced by this rotation) and just keep things rolling until the plane lands on the ground …
So can the physics engine handle this? Any advice from you physics (engine) buffs?
EDITED: Thanks Aldonetto! This is a huge help!
Just a couple more silly questions (sorry but the physics engine is a new beast to me):
units (mass) - I read somewhere that mass was in kg, so I am using a mass of 0.01 (about 10g for a balsa glider). Sound right?
units (force) - what are the units in force - Newtons?
I can apply an initial force (using AddForce with ForceMode.Impulse) - currently using 1.4 assuming Newtons are the units, or as you suggest I could use an initial velocity. But if go the velocity route, how do I ensure that this is applied in the first frame only (i.e. analogous to ForceMode.Impulse)