Glitch? - Cloth Component on Mesh With a Negative Scale Makes the Material Render Differently


I’m creating a character for my game, and would like to use the cloth simulation in unity. The thing is, since it’s a Fighting Game, the character needs to be rotated when exchanging sides with the opponent. As such, I’ve chosen to do it by setting the mesh z scale to -1 depending on which side the character is.

The thing is, I have a piece of cloth with a Cloth Component attached to my character, but when I set the Z scale to -1, the rendering of said cloth gets strange, its as if the color and smoothness are being affected for no apparent reason. The simulation works just as fine, but for some reason the way it’s rendered changes drastically.

Edit: Removed the images. I’ve circumvented the issue by rotating the character and mirroring the animations instead. I will keep this thread up for archive purposes, though. As of this edit (09/20/2021) the bug is still present.

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Does anybody know if there is a way to fix this?

Hello, could somebody tell me if this is indeed a bug or if cloth components can’t work with negative scales? If there is any way to solve this or not, anything? :frowning:


Just bumping this. Is there no information on the matter whatsoever?