Glitching between box colliders. One is kinematic... Help!

I have two squares in my 2D game. It’s played like a top down game, and I have rigidbody2Ds attached to both, though I have the gravity set to 0 on each so that they don’t fall. You can control one of the squares and move it around freely. The other one is set to kinematic on the rigidbody2D because I don’t want it to move.

When I control the first square, and it runs into the kinematic one, a weird clipping occurs as the player square kind of glitches into the other one. Does anyone have an explanation for this? I’m sure it’s something painfully simple.

Pie_Lord can you post image related to your question so that it becomes easy to understand your scenario.

Here what I understand is that one of your square entering other. Just check once that their colliders are not intersecting each other. Also how are moving your “movable square” ?