Global Find / Search and Replace in Unity

Is there a way in Unity editor to be able to do a search through any/all scripts in the project (global find? or global search/replace?)

Unitron can do a find and replace in all documents you have open in it. It’s under Find–>Advanced Find. Not sure about the editor that Windows uses, I haven’t played with it enough.

If you mean inside of Unity and not the code editor, then I don’t think you can.

Nod. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I figured if there wasn’t a built-in way to do it, then I’d use an external tool (yes, I’m in Windows land, I should have mentioned that).


Why should unity have a built in tool to handle something which is clearly in the domain of your text editor? The unity editor doesn’t facilitate script writing - it just allows you to hook up your scripts to GameObjects.

Sorry spun off the “no built-in way” thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Why should unity have a built in tool to handle something which is clearly in the domain of your text editor? The unity editor doesn’t facilitate script writing - it just allows you to hook up your scripts to GameObjects.

Well, my thinking is that Unity stores all assets (which include scripts) as part of its project definition / manifest, which is very much within its domain.

It’s very handy that Unity provides the linking mechanism to allow external tools to modify assets (photoshop for images, 3d tools for models, text editor for scripts). I agree that it wouldn’t be an expectation that the Unity editor needs to have bitmap editing, model editing, script editing, etc.

The only tool that knows all of the assets of a given Unity project (including scripts) is Unity itself. To that end, a project level search facility seems a reasonable feature to ask about.

In any event, a general external file search tool will work.


You could use a windows “File content” search.

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Man thanks I was looking for exactly this!

You can also use MonoDevelop’s “Find in Files” feature.

Lol, funny that you replied on a 3 year old comment. If I recall correctly that function did not exist at that time.
But thanks anyway haha!

Worked perfectly, thanks!