Global Game Jam '09 *Beats the war drum*

Hey all, I’m just trying to work out how many people are planning on going to the Global Game Jam, In particular I am interested in getting in contact with unity users that will be attending the event in London (as that is where I am planning on going) It would be nice to be able to team up with other unity users for the event!

edit: ← thought a linky might help tempt people :smile:

Hello, I’ll be attending the Costa Rica one. I figure there are not a lot of Costaricans in the forum but just in case there is any and you guys are interested.

Ok… its me and representing Dengo hehe :slight_smile: we shall try to do you guys proud heh

Mm, the Boston Game Jam is for 18 years old and up; so I’m excluded for a few more years I guess. Also, the workstations there are only set up to use Source/Hammer. D:

I’m in.
I’m in Pittsburgh and was wondering what I have to do to get Unity3D installed at CMU ETC for the Global Game Jam other then emailing ?
Any chance I could get the beta installed on my laptop?


Joe, it sounds like You and Me for London so far (Pending Approval from the Oversight Committee), so who else is in the UK that’d like to come?

Follow the process. Write, wait for reply, instructions shall be sent. Patience. :slight_smile:

I’m coordinating replies for the emails that have come in and will work with participants and local jam coordinators for build distribution.

Thanks for the reply.

I am following the process but patience will be harder. I am a PC user without a Apple. I borrowed a friends Macbook for a weekend a while back to play with the 30 day trial and have been waiting with as much patience as I could for the PC version. With 2.5 in sight I am afraid my patience has left me.


Any ETA on this? I have to work Fri until 5PM and they want us to show up with all out software installed and ready to go. Tonight will be the last chance I have to get Unity installed and ready to go.


Event coordinators have been notified and I’ve been in contact with everyone that’s written us at, except a batch that have written in the last 12-24 hours. If you haven’t heard from me then please send another email to and we’ll get you sorted right away.

Email sent.



My wife is ill. Came down with it last night, and even tho’ the baby’s fine, I don’t think it’d be right for me to leave for such a long time. I took today off work as well. :cry: I really want to go. Kit prepped and everything. I’ll try to track you down on IRC.

That being said, we should arrange that UK GT, and get NC a few of the others to make it…


Too bad I can’t participate this time!

Anyway, we’re proud to be an official sponsor of the GGJ. Every participant will have access to one of our Game Content Pack to help them prototyping their ideas.

And don’t miss the Keynote of Kyle Gabler, it’s full of awesome advices:

Thats great! I’m assumeing that they will let us know how to access the content packages when we get there?

I’m torn about my wife’s new job.
On one hand it’s a step up for her and a great oppertunity.
On the other hand this Fri, Sat, and Sun nights are her first three nights on the job so I have to be home and watch the munchkin so I will only be able to be there durring the days.


Exactly. All Jam’s organizers must have received information about it.

I wish good luck to all of you who will participate!

So far all I heard was… “GGJ Theme something related to this sentence “as long as we have each other we will never run out of problems” and something to do with either growing, rushing, or in-between and lasts under 5 minutes”

So each location has different adjectives.

I would have figured a page with the rules would show up by now.

I truly hope Rodolfo is sleeping, as he somehow managed to stay awake throughout the entire event without so much as a catnap and didn’t tip over drooling on himself once, he is the only person from the event who can make this claim.

Not only that, but his team won, even though he was the only person on his team to have opened the application before the event. A big shout to his team-mates for speedreading the entire documentation and integrating into an unfamiliar workflow.

They had the most complete game, somehow pulling together models, working gameplay and scoring, and a nice gui in the extremely short amount of time they had available. I hope they collaborate to finish it someday.

In any case, huge grats to he and his team, and a huge thanks to the Unity team for providing the engine to the event.

Props to the other winners too! Since this is a unity forum and I need to go into a coma, details on this and the other entries will be on once we’ve regained our humanity.

Cheers. Jolon

At the presentation at the end, they mentioned an addendum to the license agreement. And it sounds like they aren’t allowed to use what they made commercially or in any derivative works. The license change sounded odd to me… At the beginning the creators were the IP owners. So maybe they are talking about anybody who downloads the demos who didn’t create the demo.

Congratulations on your team winning Rodolfo!