Global Transform-one place to rule them all.

I was working on something else when I noticed I had a myTransform variable in several scripts. My thought was to simply add it to both my Player and Mob scripts, then grab the components anytime I needed them in a local variable.

Good idea?
Bad Idea?

Without looking at your code, it appears that myTransform is going to be a local variable to each script.
Do you want it to be the same transform always? or is it, say, the origin of where your object started? Or your original rotation info that you need?

I’d guess that having one global transform variable that you then add to individual scripts is going to be a bad idea and confusing, because you’ll be creating multiple references to the same object.

If I need something like a place of origin, I usually start out scripts with a:

Transform origin;

void Start(){
origin = gameObject.transform;

so I can always recall original position and rotation.

Not sure exactly what your needs are here though