Global Variable - Load Level and access an Variable of other Class


I Need change value in an variable and access this in the new Scene Load. I try access the variable, or the method, but anyway don’t work.

I need change and get the musicChoose value in other Class/Scene.

//Song Menu
public class SongMenu : MonoBehaviour {

public Canvas songButton;
public int musicChoose = 1;

voidStart ()

songButton = songButton.GetComponent ();


void SongButton()
musicChoose = 3;
Application.LoadLevel (2);


public int GetMusic()

return musicChoose;

//GamePlay Class/Scene
public class Gameplay : MonoBehaviour
private SongMenu MusicChoose;
public int Music;

void Start()
MusicChoose = GetComponent ();
Music = MusicChoose.GetMusic ();
//MusicIndex = GetComponent().musicChoose; //Fail
//Music = MusicIndex; // Fail
NowPlaying (Music); // int method

You either need to make the object persistent across scenes, by using DontDestroyOnLoad, or else you need to save the value of the variable somewhere and retrieve it in the next scene, using PlayerPrefs or something similar.

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Thank you very much! Save my time! PlayerPrefs works very well!