Global Variables

I am trying to get an idea of how the variables are handled in Unity. I basically wanted to use an array to store a list of items and then display that list in the GUI. Because the GUI can only be accessed through the OnGUI function, I had to play around a little and try to figure a way to do this. I came up with using an Array to store the values, parsing that to a string inside the OnGUI function and then popping that string into the GUI, a specifically. The problem is that I need to alter the array from another piece of script and I cannot seem to get the other script to find the Array. In script A I declared the Array in this way

static var thelist:Array;

Obviously, that is in Java. The name of the script is “updater” and the rest of it works fine, so no other issues there.

#pragma strict
static var thelist:Array;
static var slist:String;

function Start(){

function OnGUI () {
for (var temp in thelist){
GUI.Box(Rect(0,0,150,150), slist);


From script B, which is called “destroyit”, I have tried to access “thelist” several ways and get nothing but errors. From the docs I see that you should use the script name as the base class, but “updater.thelist” brings an error stating that updater cannot be found. A direct call to “thelist” brings the same type of error. I also noticed that in the Unity inspector the above script shows “slist” as a Global variable, but does not show “thelist.” I find that a little strange since both are declared in an identical manner. So, I am really looking to understand how to properly declare and access a Global variable. I also prefer C#, but most of the forum docs used Javascript, so I used that language for these two scripts.

Accessing other scripts. Also, don’t use Array. Use built-in arrays or List.

From where are you trying to access your variables?
If from C#, it is possible it is compiled after your js script thus fails to know it.

Array can not be shown on inspector even when it is public.

In JS though you need to declare the as a Built in array:

  public var mylist: string[];

You should see that in the inspector.

Access it via:


Where “GameObjectGUI” is the object name that has the script and “myScript” is the script with the array.