globalgamemanagers file version mismatched to editor version

Hey guys! I’ve been trying to make a Linux build for my game and have been running into a weird issue. The globalgamemanagers file that’s created for the build is created for Unity version 2020.1.6f1, whereas the editor version I am using is 2020.2.0a9. This causes the game to crash immediately on starting. I have tried deleting the cached files from Library, reimporting all assets to my project, and deleting all Unity-made folders before building. Nothing seems to work.

Is there any way to fix this? How is this file being created wrong?

You need to reinstall Unity. Did you install it via the hub? Looks like the editor version and the platform support module version doesn’t match.

I installed via the Switch version online. I believe I then had to install the Linux version manually. I will do so. :slight_smile: Thanks!