Gloria Victis dark medieval MMORPG - Unity3D based just launched Kickstarter!

Yesterday Kickstarter UK has been launched and Gloria Victis crowdfunding began with it. You can find all the newest information about our game and the prizes for the supporters we offer here.
We count on your support, together we can make
Gloria Victis reality and we can make it happen soon!

Looks great! Good luck with your kick starter :smile:

Interested to know, what server backend/networking will you guys be using for the game, and how will you resolve twitch-based combat discrepancies, such as if I swing my sword at a player, and it looks like I hit him, but on his client, he seemed to block the blow… how will you resolve those sorts of issues?

Hi Meltdown.
We are using uLink, because it’s the only Unity-compatible server which is aware of physics. This was the main reason of choosing it, but when we started to work with uLink it showed many more useful features.
Of course there may be some discrepancies in viewing combat in client side, but our server is authoritative and all combat computations are made on server’s side. There are two solutions for your question.
First is that when player A clics the attack button an RPC is send to the server. The server checks if player B is blocking. If yes then it changes HP for player B and sends RPC to both player A and B with proper informations. With this response all animations will be played on both clients.
Of course it needs low latency to do that and with high latency the client would be less responsive.
To avoid this you can tweak this method and try not to wait for a response from server with information if player B got hit or not. If the server will send RPC back to player A that player B blocked his hit the “hit animation” can be stopped and blended to other animation for better feel that this action was blocked. It may be for example “hit blocked animation”. If latency is so low that hit animation is ending before receiving RPC from server then discrepancies will show anyway. But animation time has about 1.5-2 seconds of duration. So if you have latency higher than 1000ms you are lagged anyway.

Great to hear you guys are using uLink. I use it as well and it’s great.
Agree on the authoritative approach with corrections, I don’t think there is any other way to be honest.

Good luck!

So will the entire world be open PVP or just some places? Also will there be any base or city building?

I have to be honest here , this seems a bit misleading . The kickstarter goal only gets you to an Alpha game( this is from your description) . This means even if you get funded , your backers are left with an unfinished game .

Plus 60k isn’t going to get you that far with such an expensive game …

MMOs usually take millions to develop and even then it’s a long shot.

You mentioned Gothic was an inspiration? Gothic is a great game (one and two). When it got to Gothic 3 and the development teams split up they tried to be too much like Oblivion. Their Bethesda envy ruined the perfect balance of what made Gothic games good. I don’t know what aspects of that franchise you intend to implement into a MMO, but I fail to see how it would work.

Good luck.

Everywhere except main cities. We are going to give players opportunity to buy and build (not a minecraft style, but anyway still build from predefined parts) their houses and bases at instances.
Main towns are going to be able to be taken by guild.

If we will get 60k only than we will be able to make Alpha version which will let us find investors which woldn’t like to have influence on the shape and features in Gloria Victis game which may slightly differ from what we intended to present.

Most of us are from Poland. Salary here is about 500-700 pounds per month, which makes games way cheaper to make.
We love first two parts of Gothic series, we like how player were thrown into difficult world. In most MMORPG difficult game mean grinding for months, we want to make game which needs a bit more skill and making quests.

Btw. we have just posted a update:

Looks good but hows it the combat gong to compare to war of the roses or chivalry.

The biggest issue with most modern AAA games is that they dumb everything down and don’t leave the player to determine/decide what to do. This is more profitable for those big companies because they know that is they make the games easy, most people can play them. There is nothing wrong with trying to appeal to a larger demographic.

I would recommend that you make the game playable easy, but it takes longer to beat and many special locations, items etc are not easily obtainable, but if the player uses good real-life skill; he/she can progress faster and enter special locations etc. The idea is that because a skilled player should progress faster, you give them more to do but in the form of a reward (bonus level, enemies, items etc.).

We have three sides of attack like in those games and blocking but we are MMO, so we also need skills. They are getting triggered by using predefined combinations, something a bit similar to Age of Conan.

Such a +1 for that. We are going to reward those people, who want to feel the roleplaying by using advenced questing system. We have already made more than 150 quests, where all have at last three ways to finish them. Also we are using reputation system with each npc and city.
I guess thats something uncommon in MMORPG’s.

It looks good, but to me, regardless, it’s just another medieval MMO. Is there a time in history that’s not medieval? How about a prehistoric MMO? Or a near future one? Just frustrates me.

Ignore me. Good job, anyways.

Age of Conan is a bit like prehistoric MMO. Futuristic also exist, sorry, forgot names, never played those.
And honestly, there is no really medieval MMO. Those which you think are medieval they have three meters long swords. Thats something we are tired of :wink:
Thank you for your reply!

Mortal would be pretty close to a medieval MMO and it sounds very similar to what you are doing. I liked that game but I don’t think it found any success.

Yeah, forgot about it. I think main problem of Mortal Online was lack of polishing and high monthly fee to play.

Because it is consumer demand :stuck_out_tongue:

I for one would never play a pre-historic MMO

I think a prehistoric MMO could be cool (if done well).

But yes, whether you think WoW is medieval or not (its actually medieval fantasy), the general public does.

You wear armor, wield a sword, fight fantasy monsters, etc. Its a theme that’s been done to death, and the magic and exaggerated weapons were added because really, its not that exciting without them.

You seem passionate about your game, and I wish you the best of luck, but unfortunately, I don’t really see it taking off. But keep at it! Really try to define your “hook”!

Just out of curiosity, where are you making announcements about the game? Have you presented the game in major game sites before launching the kickstarter campaign?

Judging from the troll/ogre image, I think you’ve confused medieval with gothic fantasy. Mount and Blade is medieval. Fantastic creatures aren’t.

I’m not sure if anyone has done an MMO with combat like Mount and Blade (at least, not well; I’ve tried Darkfall, Mortal Online and Tera), that sounds like a pretty good hook to me.

I would also recommend you advertise around those medieval reenactment places and where they dress up and fight in armor. I have known a few people who are hardcore into that kind of stuff and that should be your target audience. Then you just need to make sure your combat system is polished as hell and reflects what would happen in real life.

If you look at Gothic 1 and 2, they had many fantasy creatures but they weren’t permeated everywhere in the game. I don’t think they are going for historical accuracy. Having a realistic medieval game with a few fantasy elements sprinkled in intelligently is not the same as something like wow.