Glow Image Effect incorrect on iPad2 / Wrong Alpha values on iPad2?

Hi there,

first off, I wanted to say hello to you all, as this is my first post in these forums. I’m having a great time working with Unity and it’s just a wonderful tool.

I ran into an issue when working with the “Glow” image effect on the iPad2:

I’m using a shader that only writes the specular reflections into the alhpa value of each pixel - so the glow effect will make only the specular reflections glow. That works great on the iPhone 3GS and the iPad1.

But when running on the iPad2, everything is glowing. I investigated that and I found that, for some reason, the shaders of this effect behave like every pixel had a full alpha value of 1.
Does the iPad2 handle alpha values differently? Or does it run a different color depth than the ipad1?

Thanks in advance!


in 3.5 we updated this to enable workaround only on 4.3 (as it was fixed on ios5)