Glowing light [HELP] :'(

i am just creating a 2d light bar(or you can say a rod of light) in unity. i have no idea how to do it. I have actually used light shader script to get the bar to glow. is there any other way to do it other than that?

the light bar must glow inside the bar. the background can be white or light colours. How to make it glow in that case? (the light bar will be moving up and down)

Any help will be highly appreciated. thankyou

i find this asset on github quite usefull for 2d sprite glowing, maybe it helps you aswell!

Sprite Glow Github Link

or try this with sprites

 Shader "Sprites/ShinyDefault"
         [PerRendererData] _MainTex("Sprite Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
         _Color("Tint", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
         _ShineLocation("ShineLocation", Range(0,1)) = 0
         _ShineWidth("ShineWidth", Range(0,1)) = 0
         [MaterialToggle] PixelSnap("Pixel snap", Float) = 0
         "Queue" = "Transparent"
         "IgnoreProjector" = "True"
         "RenderType" = "Transparent"
         "PreviewType" = "Plane"
         "CanUseSpriteAtlas" = "True"
         Cull Off
         Lighting Off
         ZWrite Off
         Blend One OneMinusSrcAlpha
 #pragma vertex vert
 #pragma fragment frag
 #pragma multi_compile _ PIXELSNAP_ON
 #include "UnityCG.cginc"
     struct appdata_t
         float4 vertex   : POSITION;
         float4 color    : COLOR;
         float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
     struct v2f
         float4 vertex   : SV_POSITION;
         fixed4 color : COLOR;
         float2 texcoord  : TEXCOORD0;
     fixed4 _Color;
     v2f vert(appdata_t IN)
         v2f OUT;
         OUT.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, IN.vertex);
         OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;
         OUT.color = IN.color * _Color;
         OUT.vertex = UnityPixelSnap(OUT.vertex);
         return OUT;
     sampler2D _MainTex;
     sampler2D _AlphaTex;
     float _AlphaSplitEnabled;
     float _ShineLocation;
     float _ShineWidth;
     fixed4 SampleSpriteTexture(float2 uv)
         fixed4 color = tex2D(_MainTex, uv);
         if (_AlphaSplitEnabled)
             color.a = tex2D(_AlphaTex, uv).r;
         float lowLevel = _ShineLocation - _ShineWidth;
         float highLevel = _ShineLocation + _ShineWidth;
         float currentDistanceProjection = (uv.x + uv.y) / 2;
         if (currentDistanceProjection > lowLevel && currentDistanceProjection < highLevel) {
             float whitePower = 1- (abs(currentDistanceProjection - _ShineLocation ) / _ShineWidth);
             color.rgb +=  color.a * whitePower;
         return color;
     fixed4 frag(v2f IN) : SV_Target
         fixed4 c = SampleSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord) * IN.color;
         c.rgb *= c.a;
     return c;