Go To A URL?

If someone could help me out here, that’d be great. I have a VERY basic GUI consisting of a text field and two buttons. One says “Play” and the other says “About”.

Here is my code so far:

function OnGUI () {
	if (GUI.Button (Rect (280,215,120,30), "Play")) {
		Application.LoadLevel (2);

	if (GUI.Button (Rect (280,260,120,30), "About")) {
		Application.LoadLevel (3);

Here’s what I have setup:

Level 1 is the GUI. Level 2 is really the first level the user gets to play. However, Level 2 refuses to load. After Application.LoadLevel, should I have (2) or (Level2) because the file in my project is named “Level2”.

AND, how to I get the second GUIButton to go to a designated URL? Right now, I have it set to go to Level 3 but that’s just to fill it. What would I put to get it to redirect the user to a designated URL?

Sorry guys, I got the numbers messed up with the loader order! I now have level two loading by putting it in the build settings and changing the destination of Button 1 to level 1 instead of level 2 (in the build settings, my gui loader is considered to be level 0) but I still need help with the URL question.

you can not go to an url in the unity iphone version yet. the openurl does not work for the moment. from whats mentioned thats known and should be fixed in a unity iphone hotfix soon