Hey, I’m using Unity 2022.3.10f1 and I installed Analytics from the package manager. I also have the project linked with Unity Cloud. When I try to send a custom event, I am debugging AnalyticsResult and I get “NotInitialized”. How can I fix this ?
Also, I tried it on a blank project, I got the Analytics result “Ok” but I can’t see anything in my dashboard, it’s already been 24 hours
But my priority now is to fix the “Not initialized” issue.
Please check that you have Initialised Unity Gaming Services and waited for it to complete await UnityServices.InitializeAsync(options);
You will also need to Start the Analytics SDK after confirming the player’s consent AnalyticsService.Instance.StartDataCollection();
If you are still struggling, you will find code examples in the Sample project that can be downloaded with the Analytics SDK from the Package Manager, and in the Unity Analytics SDK Documentation