Going Crazy with Asset Imports

Hello everyone,

I have just starting learning Unity so my knowledge base is very minimal. I have been following many different youtube tutorials, or trying to, but I’m running into the same issues over and over. Despite a lot of Googling so far I have not come up with an answer that seems to help.

Unity Version: 6000.0.32f1

I create a new project under the Universal 3D Core
(My understanding is this will use the Universal Render Pipeline as a default)

I have some very basic fundamentals down such as being able to create terrain, add in a moveable player, paint textures onto the terrain etc.

My problem comes in when I try to download and import assets from the asset store. I have tried about a dozen now, making sure to check that they are URP compatible but without failure most of the prefab objects are pink. From what I have gathered during my attempts to troubleshoot this the issues mostly come from Render Pipeline issues / compatibility problems.

I have tried going to the individual Materials and clicking Edit > Rendering > Materials > Convert Selected Materials to URP. This partially works on some of the textures but usually leaves about half untouched while the others all have issues. The most common issues I see are the bark textures for trees will work but the leaves / branches are solid blocks that I have to go in and manually change alpha settings to get the transparency to work.

I have tried going to Window > Rendering > Render Pipeline Converter and it seems to be very similar results.

I find it very frustrating that assets created for unity are not more “drag and drop” friendly. I feel like I’m doing something wrong or missing a step somewhere because it seems like way to much fiddling around for each and every asset or grass mesh I want to use.

As an aside - if I do manage to get the prefab working and looking the way I do, when I play my scene more often than not there will no longer be wind animation for the grass.

Please help lol.

Many URP compatible assets aren’t compatible out of the box. Look for instructions that tell you how to correctly convert the asset.

Most commonly, either you have to run the Render Pipeline Converter or the publisher provides (included under Assets) a URP .unitypackage that you need to import, which will then overwrite the BiRP materials with URP materials.

Nevertheless, publishers don’t all fully test their assets (with all Unity versions/pipelines) so you may still end up with shader errors or pink materials. In such cases contact the publisher.