Hello everyone,
I have just starting learning Unity so my knowledge base is very minimal. I have been following many different youtube tutorials, or trying to, but I’m running into the same issues over and over. Despite a lot of Googling so far I have not come up with an answer that seems to help.
Unity Version: 6000.0.32f1
I create a new project under the Universal 3D Core
(My understanding is this will use the Universal Render Pipeline as a default)
I have some very basic fundamentals down such as being able to create terrain, add in a moveable player, paint textures onto the terrain etc.
My problem comes in when I try to download and import assets from the asset store. I have tried about a dozen now, making sure to check that they are URP compatible but without failure most of the prefab objects are pink. From what I have gathered during my attempts to troubleshoot this the issues mostly come from Render Pipeline issues / compatibility problems.
I have tried going to the individual Materials and clicking Edit > Rendering > Materials > Convert Selected Materials to URP. This partially works on some of the textures but usually leaves about half untouched while the others all have issues. The most common issues I see are the bark textures for trees will work but the leaves / branches are solid blocks that I have to go in and manually change alpha settings to get the transparency to work.
I have tried going to Window > Rendering > Render Pipeline Converter and it seems to be very similar results.
I find it very frustrating that assets created for unity are not more “drag and drop” friendly. I feel like I’m doing something wrong or missing a step somewhere because it seems like way to much fiddling around for each and every asset or grass mesh I want to use.
As an aside - if I do manage to get the prefab working and looking the way I do, when I play my scene more often than not there will no longer be wind animation for the grass.
Please help lol.