Going into Play Mode lasts very long

When I changed the computer (and the operating system of course), I have a problem with going into Play Mode. It lasts too long, about 30 min or even longer. It’s true my project is very big (80 GB), but shouldn’t it be faster? I didn’t have such troubles on my old Windows 7 32 bit but on Windows 8.1 64 bit system. I have no Resources/resources folders (i changed their names to load scenes quicker). This problem was with Unity 4.6 and installing Unity 5.0 hasn’t solve the problem.

I wrote about that on Answers and the problem is still unsolved:

When I try to run an empty project, going into Play Mode is quick. I realize it is due to my big project but I don’t know why. What exactly is loading during runtime? I didn’t experience such a problem on my old Windows 7 32 bit. The scenes were loaded quickly. Waiting for being in Play Mode is really irritating.

Do you use Windows 8/8.1 64 bit? Do you have such problem?

Hey Tomasz,

30 minutes sounds insane. It shouldn’t depend on project size, but pretty much only on scene contents. Please submit a bug report that shows the issue. Ideally: create a new project, move the problematic scene there, reproduce and submit that. Thanks!

Witaj Kuba!

Thanks for your reply! The problem is that I don’t know which scene is problematic. Every scene I starts behaves in the same way. So it’s not the problem with one of the scenes. I don’t have such a problem on my old Windows 7 32 bit. It starts quickly into Play Mode. But I wished to have a stronger machine and moved the project to my new laptop (Windows 8.1 64 bit, earlier Windows 8 64 bit). First, Unity 4.6 and then Unity 5.0. the same problem. Now I’m upgrading the copy of my main project with Unity 5.0 and will see what happens. However, I’m sure now there will be the same problem. i have tried all ideas I got from Unity users - no improvements.

When I click for the first time, it lasts long. The second, the third, etc. is much better. But sometimes I wait longer to be in Play Mode. It is really irritating.

If it happens in all the scenes, then submit a new project with either one, doesn’t matter as long as it actually reproduces in isolation. If it does not, we can certainly receive your big project. File a bug report and we’ll take it from there.


I have been doing the project upgrade from 4.6 to 5.0 and Unity crashed. I’ve started Unity again and it’s continuing the upgrading.

The isolation makes no sense - the empty or small project works normally (going into Play Mode quickly). I cant event image how I can send you my big project. I will be uploading it a week or more :slight_smile: with my Internet connection. The Unity bug pop window didn’t appear to send you a bug report. Only the content of log I can send you I think. But I am forced to wait for the end of upgrading.