Is the control scheme used in “Dreadnought” fairly standard for this type thing? WASD to move, mouse to orbit the camera around the ship, spacebar & shift to increase & decrease altitude, left mouse button to fire (after swiveling the camera to center the crosshairs on an enemy ship), right mouse button to zoom, etc?
The method of targeting seems strange to me, and also the fact that the free-look camera is rarely facing the ship’s direction of travel.
If “Dreadnought” was a hit title, and if you like the control scheme, then it could be a good choice to use.
You could try changing it a little bit, modding it so that it works better than what was found in “Dreadnought”. For example, if “Dreadnought” had something in the controls that was irritating for you.
You might also try combining other control schemes from other games for your game.
WASD for movement has been the standard key’s for those actions in almost all the modern games (2017). I highly recommend giving ESDF a try for the same thing. Because the right movement is sitting on the F key, it makes it more comfortable.