My mesh has one baked animation for swinging her right weapon, and another one for swinging her left weapon. The player is able to swing the weapons independently, meaning while the right weapon is in a swinging animation the left weapon’s animation is able to start.
Is it possible to achieve this with a blend tree? And should the animations be baked into a single clip in which you specify their start/end times within the animator?
Blend Trees are for synchronized animations like Walk and Run.
You want Layers for this. Play each animation on its own layer with Layer Masks to control which body parts they each affect.
Hey, yeah I looked into layers and figured maybe I would want to use additive layers.
Probably not, just regular override layers with masks. Each body part will only be controlled by one animation, rather than having a base animation which you add another onto.
Ah gotcha, I’ll play around with it and see what works best. Thanks for the help.