Good store product for UI elements?

I am looking for something that save me time while creating UI elements.

I can add buttons and such; but I am looking for something that has a theme, making the whole UI more “professional” than what I could possibly make (damn Jim, I am a programmer, not a graphic designer!).

What would you suggest to get on the store, that would allow me to get something nice to look at, and customizable enough to not look like a copycat of other applications that use the same product?

I have virtually no photoshop skills, which translate in a waste of time trying to make anything 2d related. I am looking for something colorful but not “toon-ish”; I am making a product that is an educational/training application, so something that would fit in that context.

This should do the job for you:

As you wanted, it is ONLY graphics, so no functional UI elements, you have to create the buttons yourself. But the graphics can be utilized from the UI Builder.

Thanks, it look nice, although it seems mainly aimed at mobile. I believe the graphic elements can be used in any context; although all the examples are for iphone apps mostly.

It is interesting the part that contain all the controls, with their appropriate color scheme; that’s basically what would be useful to me; but I am not sure about getting the whole asset just for that. I am looking for a drag and drop solution for controls that has already the graphic style on it; so the examples in that asset would be perfect.

Is there anything simpler, with just the styles and skins? Or is there a tutorial somewhere that show what are the requiremnts for making your own assets? I may be able to find oh photoshop forums, some link with usable images to integrate in my UI, if there is nothing else on the Unity Store.

Have you checked the GUI Skins and Icons/UI sections?

Also keep in mind that you can specify tints (colors and opacity) on the default UI textures. They’re simple and clean, although not particularly flashy.

Note @TonyLi That those only apply to the Legacy GUI and not the new UI system.

Textures are textures. :slight_smile: For someone like me with no graphics skills, I can happily use the textures and ignore the GUISkin asset files.

Fair enough @TonyLi although for free UI assets, I’d try somethng like or one of the other free art sites. Then when you want more professional stuff, make a call :smile:

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Thanks guys :slight_smile:

I assume that it is safe to use old assets for the previous GUI system; since they are just images. I have to convert them to sprites, if I understand correctly.

I did try to use some of the UI Kit that are freely available online (mostly they are pdf; and aimed at android apps, from what I can understand); and they gave me some good ideas.

Yes, that’s what I do.