So I’ve never used Tasks before and the unity documentation isn’t very helpful for someone new to tasks.
public async void LoadSomeData()
Dictionary<string, string> savedData = await CloudSaveService.Instance.Data.LoadAsync(new HashSet<string>{"key"});
Debug.Log("Done: " + savedData["key"]);
What is the best way to actually save that retrieved data? I can’t pass in a ref, in or out with async. So I am forced to pass in a reference to a class I’ve created. This doesn’t seem that elegant.
You can pass data in and out of an asynchronous method. To return data, use a Task.
e.g. When joining a multiplayer lobby. The QuickJoin method might look like
public async Task<Lobby> QuickJoinLobby()
//return currentLobby;
currentLobby = await Lobbies.Instance.QuickJoinLobbyAsync();
Debug.Log($"Quick Joining with code {currentLobby.Data["JoinCodeKey"].Value}");
return currentLobby;
Debug.Log("Quick Lobby Join Exceptions, I guess I'll create my own Lobby");
return null;
And would be called with
var lobby = await networkLobby.CreateNewLobby();
Here are a couple of links that might help:
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Thank you, that C# tutorial is helpful but still a big verbose. Would love to see an example in the Unity Documentation :).
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