I just briefly tested 2020.2.0a7 with the project from Case 1108597.
After a first hurdle that appeared as an editor crash (Case 1238901), I’m positively surprised.
I’m positively surprised of a noticeable editor performance improvement in this build!
It’s the first version in years where playmode with Case 1108597 isn’t awfully slow. The editor UI is still lagging behind and it’s not too much fun to use, but overall it seems 2020.2 isn’t a step backwards.
I haven’t looked further into this release, because I didn’t want my initial happiness to vanish.
In that sense, thumbs up for the good work! You’re on the right track. Keep doing what you did, please don’t finish half-way and working with Unity could actually get fun again.
Seems like Unity is on right track by adding those new features you don’t need anyways into packages and focusing improving editor performance and stability!
Where are the charts? Where are the cold, hard numbers? How can I believe anything you say without the stats to back up your claims? Who are you and what have you done with Peter77?
Debug Mode, which you can use to attach external debugger software, but gives slower C# performance when you run your Project in Play Mode in the Editor.
Release Mode, which gives faster C# performance when you run your Project in Play Mode in the Editor, but you cannot attach any external debuggers."
Release Mode is the new default. Are the improvements you’re experiencing related to that or is Debug Mode performance improved as well in 2020.2 compared to previous versions?
Yes I did. I don’t remember what version I tested, maybe b4. I didn’t have the feeling editor performance improved in that version, but I also didn’t profile editor performance, because it just felt like nothing changed to earlier versions.
That was my first thought too when I noticed it runs significantly faster and then switched to debug mode to find if it’s related. But even with debug mode, it’s significantly faster than earlier Unity editor versions. I also didn’t profile, it’s just a feeling at this time, so I have no data to back up my impression.