Google Ads and Google Play Games - Failed to re-package resources

I was just curious if anyone was having an issue using the GoogleMobileAds.unitypackage along side of the GooglePlayGamesPlugin-0.9.27.unitypackage.

I installed the Google Ads and got everything configured and working great. I then installed the Google Play Games plugin and was able to get everything configured with it… but when I try to build and test, I get this error clck here.

I have done some research and people have stated similar problems and that they were able to fix them by importing the google-play-services_lib folder into their unity project. I have done this, but no change.

Same for me !!

Ok, I’m not sure if this issue is completely fixed yet… I’m still testing, but what I did was delete everything that had to do with the Google Play Games Services as well as the Google Mobile Ads. Then I re-imported the Google Play Games Services and completed the setup process. Compiled. Then imported the Google Mobile Ads package. Now I’m able to compile everything. I’ll report back to let you guys know if everything is working as intended.
