I need help to create an application with a 360 viewer on Google Carboard.
My starter kit is simple: 1 sphere with my panoramic texture, 1 camera inside the sphere.
I can turn inside.
My problem :
When i create an apk and i play it, i appear in my sphere, i’m always in the same direction. For exemple, i watch a house.
But I want :
My sphere oriented in the real North Pole (terrestrial) and when i play my apk, no matter where I look, the sphere position is the same, locked in north.
Like this, no matter wher i look in the Cardboard, and no matter when and wher i play my apk, the environment is always in the same position.
I hope that’s is clear… it’s complicated to explain.
I tried to use -trueHeading and -magneticHeading from the Compass Script APi, but without success…
Thank in advance 
Does your device have a gyro?
I think that yes, it’s a Redmi Note 8 Pro.
Ok, so the headset tracking is working? And the next step is to align the sphere with the true north pole?
Maybe this will do it:
Hello there! As Google Cardboard is no longer directly supported by Unity, you might also ask over on Google’s Github here.
I find this script, and when i start in different position, it’s good, my north is always on the same position !! 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class newway : MonoBehaviour
GameObject cam;
void Start()
cam = Camera.main.gameObject;
Input.compass.enabled = true;
void Update()
Quaternion cameraRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, cam.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0);
Quaternion compass = Quaternion.Euler(0, -Input.compass.magneticHeading, 0);
Quaternion north = Quaternion.Euler(0, cameraRotation.eulerAngles.y + compass.eulerAngles.y, 0);
transform.rotation = north;
My new problem, the view shakes because the compass isn’t extremly says.
How i can do to smooth degrees ? Have you an idea ?
I’ve read that we can use “Quaternion.Lerp” or “Quaternion.RotateTowards”… but in my situation, it’s complicated with the “-Input.compass.magneticHeading”…
Thanks a lot ! 
Perhaps you don’t have to correct the rotation on each frame?
Once it set, the VR gyro should keep track of the environment relative the head.