Google Featuring Requirement on Android Themes


Our game is up for featuring but Google has some requirements for us to comply with:

"The app is using visual elements from older Android platforms in some areas (for example Gingerbread or Holo theming on Android 5.0+ devices). On Android 5.0 or newer, all activities must inherit Theme.AppCompat, Theme.Material, or one of their descendants. All native UI elements must use styles from the Material/AppCompat palette (e.g. Widget.Material…, Widget.AppCompat… or ?android:attr/…). Failing to adopt the new theming or design patterns can cause users to perceive the app as dated or non-standard."


Please advise on what we can do…

To fix this issue we changed the manifest file value of android:theme field in the application tag to android:theme=“@style/UnityThemeSelector”.


<application android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar">


<application android:theme="@android:style/UnityThemeSelector">