I’ve an endless runner game published on googleplaystore.
I imported the google plugin from github to add achievements and leaderboard to my game.
In the old version,both worked fine. The problem is that now that I’ve published an update (I changed something in google services such as delete old leaderboard and added some achievement,I deleted and readded the plugin too) the achievements works fine,but the leaderboard shows the local player scores but not the others’ ones.
It adds the score of the user,but it not let him see the others’ ones(both in “social” and “alls”).
The game is published in “Production”,not in “alpha” or “beta” and leaderboard and achievements seem to be correctly published.
I think I’m stuck in a stupid error.
Thanks in advance!
Hi aditya,
thanks for your help.
Sorry for the “off-topic” question,I tried to post the problem on github forum too,but no one answered yet.
I am sure to have my results on “public”,in fact in the old version it worked.
I got to know by myself and by users feedbacks(many of them have public profile).
Thanks in advance again!