Google Maps Integration for Real World Race Track

Everything is possible.

For a while there was a WRLD plugin for Unity but I think they don’t support it anymore.

If you want to explore the problem space, get yourself over to Google and make an account and get an API token to pull down Maps data. All of that is very well-covered in their docs.

With that, set Unity aside and work through ALL of the NON-Unity steps necessary until you can swagger / curl / Postman against that endpoint with all the auth tokens and whatnot and stream some map data back. (see below for more)

Now begins the interesting engineering part of how you might convert whatever is in that map data (see Google docs for more details) into something that meets your specification of “Track.”

Paste in the data that Google sends you and begin parsing it in Unity and doing whatever you think is the thing to make what you consider a “Track.”

And you’re off. Easy-peasy!

Networking, UnityWebRequest, WWW, Postman, curl, WebAPI, etc:

If you need examples of simple procedural geometry creation, see my MakeGeo project.

MakeGeo is presently hosted at these locations: