Google Play Asset Delivery Results in Significant APK Size Increase (203 MB vs 772 MB)

Hi everyone. Google Play has a base module ABB size limit of 200 MB. I will soon exceed that and have therefore been using the Play Asset Delivery Unity Package. Everything works fine, but when i upload the ABB to Google Play the Signed, universal APK size is massive (772 MB) compared to my previous ABB (203 MB) where i didn’t use the Play Asset Delivery. I have followed this tutorial step by step.

Showing ABB build size (in Google Play), download size and storage size (on phone)

I recommend you to check the content of the previous and the new AAB files (these files are just zip archives) to understand where this size difference comes from.
Also Play Asset Delivery Unity Package is not managed by Unity, so in case of any problems with the package it’s better to ask Google.

Thanks. I tried out Unitys own “Split Application Binary” and it works superb. There is some kind of compression bug with the Google plugin most likely which is causing the large size, but “Split Application Binary” does the job