Google play authentication failed after adding keystore

Ok, in order to log google play in my game i call


Which refer to

function authentication(succes : boolean){
	if (succes) {
		googleAuthenticated = true;
		print("Loggato con: " + Social.localUser.userName + " ID: " + + " Minorenne: " + Social.localUser.underage);
	else {
		googleAuthenticatedFailed = true;
		print("Non loggato");

Now, this was working perfectly, but when i added a keystore throught player settings, when i run
the game on my device the authentication fails, is this a normal fact because i didn’t download the game on play store or it is a issue?
My game on the developer console is setted on beta version and my account is added as tester

Investigating on logcat i found the cause of the faluire:

I/Unity   (22225):  [Play Games Plugin DLL] 03/09/15 20:24:07 +01:00 DEBUG: Star
ting Auth Transition. Op: SIGN_IN status: ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED
I/Unity   (22225):
I/Unity   (22225): (Filename: ./artifacts/AndroidManagedGenerated/UnityEngineDeb
ug.cpp Line: 49)
I/Unity   (22225):
I/Unity   (22225):  [Play Games Plugin DLL] 03/09/15 20:24:07 +01:00 DEBUG: Invo
king user callback on game thread
I/Unity   (22225):
I/Unity   (22225): (Filename: ./artifacts/AndroidManagedGenerated/UnityEngineDeb
ug.cpp Line: 49)
I/Unity   (22225):
I/Unity   (22225): Non loggato
I/Unity   (22225):
I/Unity   (22225): (Filename: ./artifacts/AndroidManagedGenerated/UnityEngineDeb
ug.cpp Line: 49)
I/Unity   (22225):
D/dalvikvm(22225): threadid=15: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)

That SIGN_IN status: ERROR_NOT_AUTHORIZED seems to be the key, but what make it to appear?

Is this your first app on Google Play store? If not make sure that you use the same keystore file for all your apps. They are developer account bound not app bound.

check if hash key of loaded apk is same as you have mentioned in google play game services in linked app section ?