Google Play Billing Library v6

Hi everyone,

Im trying to upload my game to google play but it says “This app is available for Android 14 and above, but your current Play Billing Library (PBL) version doesn’t support Android 14. To specify the latest Android version, update the PBL to version 5.2.1 or later.” and I don’t know where to update my PBL version in Unity.
Could anyone help me with this please. It will be much appreciated. Thanks.


Same problem here. What to do? How did you solve it?

I had that problem I found and erased google play bill package from my packages. The thing is I hope your other packages is not dependent to it.

I am also looking forward for an update on the unity In App Purchasing, at the moment the latest version 4.11.0 has the Google Play - Billing Library updated to 5.2.1. When it is going to be updated to v6? I got a red warning when I uploaded it latest release to the Google Play Console, it says:

We are introducing changes to the lifecycle of Play Billing Library and its associated deprecation timelines. Because you currently use an older version of the library, we wanted you to be aware of new key dates you’ll need to adhere to:

By Aug 31, 2024, all new apps and updates to existing apps must use Billing Library version 6 or newer. If you need more time to update your app, you will be able to request an extension until Nov 1, 2024.

Learn more about the deprecation here.


I have the same problem that @yoambulante !

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Same issue here

We also have this warning
Any updates from unity?

does any one find solution ?

Feature Request - Android Play Billing Library 6.0 - ETA - Unity Forum
They’re working on update for GPBL 6
New version will be release next week (i hope so)

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New version was released

I added the new Unity IAP 4.12.0 and upload the game again in the play console. But still i get the Action required message. Will this pop up disappear if the issue solved ? or after update the plugin do i need to change anything in my code ?

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Same question here!
We need to change something inside the manager of our purchases? I have already upgraded to 4.12

Same, the notification still there asking me to upgrade to Google Bill Library 6

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Any news? still showing same message?

Also looking for fix. I can’t release any new updates until it is resolved.

Same here. Getting rejected because Google Play Billing Library version.
My project is on Unity Version 2022.3.34f1, Unity IAP 4.12.0.

Clock’s ticking and August 31st is right around the corner :hushed:

Please, keep us updated and provide instructions!

“A recent policy violation in your app has been addressed” After update to 4.12 inapp and with no changes in my code , so easy :wink:


Any updates? Same issue here.

Yes. its still showing that message. Sorry for the late reply

just FYI - I got my update approved and I don’t see the Billing v6 message/warning anymore in dev console (disappeared after 1-3 hours after I released an update). I have Unity 2022.3.36f1, in-app puchasing package v.4.12, target API level: 34 (and I put to TRUE all grade settings in Player Settings because had compilation errors)

Edit: I actually even received a message to dev console inbox with congratulations about resolved issue.