Google Play Game Services Real Time Multiplayer

I’m currently developing an Android multiplayer game with Unity.
For networking I’m using the Unity Network stuff (Network.InitializeServer, networkView for synchronization of the players position, etc).

Now I want to implement the Google Play Game Services (GitHub - playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity: Google Play Games plugin for Unity).
The Play Game Services will connect the players via p2p.

Now my question:
How will my syncronization work? Can I still use a networkView to update the position?
And does Network.Instantiate work to instantiate a prefab?

If not, how can I handle all this?

Using Google Play Game Services Mulitiplayer You ONLY can use byte[ ].


Write your own byte[ ] data parse like the old days. :frowning:

Mine uses a byte[ ] system… You can use it, or use the byte[ ] methods i created.

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This plugin helped me a lot with my project it has components like the new unet system “NetworkManager and NetworkTransform”, if you’re looking for a quick easy to use solution that works with googleplay then i highly recommend this one.

This tutorial will help you

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Hello, Everyone
Looking for a multiplayer game with google play service?
here is what all you need to start
Get Assets Here: Easy Google Play Service - Multiplayer | Integration | Unity Asset Store
Get Full Descriptions: Here

Can you please tell if i will have to Buy the Google Developer Account ? For this asset ? Or it will directly do my work?

Watch Multiplayer Videos using GOOGLE PLAY GAME SERVICES on fastSolution Youtube Channel in both hindi and english language.

For English Version of this course check the video description.
Unity Realtime Multiplayer Google Play Game Services

Easiest Multiplayer solution in market by google.
Unity #RealTime Multiplayer tutorial using google play services plugin. A complete video tutorial series for beginners
from basics to advance.