Google Play Games Fails Authentication in Unity Editor

My google Play Games Plugin Fails to authenticate in the editor, also does not work even when I build the game. Is it common to fail in the editor? How to make it work. Here is the code I am using.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using GooglePlayGames;
using GooglePlayGames.BasicApi;

public class LeaderBoard_Setup : MonoBehaviour
    public static LeaderBoard_Setup Instance;
    [HideInInspector] public bool connectedToGooglePlay;
    private void Awake()
        Instance = this;
        PlayGamesPlatform.DebugLogEnabled = true;


    void Start()

  void LoginToGooglePlay()
    {   PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.Authenticate(ProcessAuthentication);

    void ProcessAuthentication(SignInStatus status)
        if(status== SignInStatus.Success)
            connectedToGooglePlay = true;
            connectedToGooglePlay = false;
            Debug.Log("Playconsole connection fail");
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On Editor, GooglePlayGames use DummyClient to handle your request.

public class DummyClient : IPlayGamesClient
        public void Authenticate(Action<SignInStatus> callback)
            if (callback != null)

Which is alway return Canceled immidiately.