[google Play] How to access GPGScoreReport?

I’ve submitted scores to google play leaderboards. That works fine but I want to show the player if he has earned a new highscore. After some extensive research I’ve found this in the documentation:

Sounds like what I’m looking for to display a fitting message. The problem is I just don’t know how to implement that exactly and I didn’t find any examples. (If it’s even included in the GP Services for Unity?)

I had something like that in my mind:

Social.ReportScore(finalScore,“CgkIiv33y44GEAIQCQ”, (bool success) => {
if(isHighScoreForLocalPlayerToday) Display("New Daily Highscore);

Ok that was iOs but there seems to exist something similar for Android with ScoreSubmissionData.Result.


Ok next thing I’ve tried is to retrieve the scores and check for myself. But Social.LoadScores (“CgkIiv33y44GEAIQCA”,scores=> returns a length of “0” für scores sigh (ReportScore with the same ID works fine)

Oh, I’ve found a “not implemented yet” :frowning: