Google Play not restoring purchases.

Hey everyone, I’m new to Unity IAP and I need some help.

I was able to create purchases in my application, however when I uninstall my app, Google is not restoring it automatically, do I have to do something in order to provoke a restoring from Google?

I’ve heard that Google do the restoring automatically while Init and we only need restoring button for iOS only, but after Init nothing happens.

I use IAP Manager from the Asset Store. I was able to make everything work, but I can’t restore my purchases.

Using Receipt Validation turns back false always. Am I missing something? I always test my apps in Alpha build.

Google is restoring content trough ProcessPurchase event, in this event I attached the action that users get when they purchase something, however nothing happens.

I’m using the latest Unity IAP


Can you confirm if this is the asset you are using? IAP Manager - Easy In App Purchase Workflow | Integration | Unity Asset Store

If so, I’d suggest contacting the publisher: