Google Play Pending Transactions stops working after IAP 4.12.2

Hi There,

On 4.12.0, we start to use GooglePlayStoreExtensions.IsPurchasedProductDeferred(Product product) for identifying pending transactions between sessions (slow test approve/decline). Also IGooglePlayStoreExtensions.IsPurchasedProductDeferred(Product product) works for that case.

After upgrading 4.12.0 → 4.12.2, IGooglePlayStoreExtensions.GetPurchaseState(Product) is no longer returning as Deferred and IGooglePlayStoreExtensions.IsPurchasedProductDeferred(Product product) no longer returns true when passing a product that is on pending transaction state (pending while slow test approve/slow test decline).

We have to downgrade to 4.12.0 since this feature is really important to handle user feedback on our side.

Does anyone have similar issue? If is that the expected behavior for this version, how can I handle the pending detection?